The Vet-Biz Network Veteran Roll Call is an Investor led event, connecting Veteran Entrepreneurs, Angel Investors, VC’s, Hedge-Funds and other capital resources. Startup, Early Stage and Operating companies that are growing and need outside funding will be presenting at this event. The current date for the Veteran Roll Call event is March 16, 2016. Companies wishing to have strong consideration for presenting need to apply/register and be selected before February 7, 2016. Presenting companies must complete a profile and submit a company profile, and will have 30 minutes for their presentation and Q&A.Who:Registering for this conference will allow you to meet with 10-15 world class investment resources. Also in-person meetings are almost always more effective than electronic or phone exchanges, so we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to speak with the Investors one on one during the private reception on the evening prior to your presentation. It is a unique forum bringing together some of the best in business innovation, advanced technology, entrepreneurship and capital resources.What:The Vet-Biz Network Veteran Roll Call Event will be the Inaugural investment conference featuring 10-15 Investors.Private Reception: Meet and GreetMarch 15, 20165:00pm to 7:00pm(Location/room The View)Vet-Biz Network Veteran Roll Call Presentation:March 16, 20169:00am to 1:00pm - Registration opens 8:00am(Location/room The View)
Where:Polo Golf and Country Club(Hotel/Venue information here)6300 Polo Club Drive, Cumming, Ga. 30040
Vet-Biz Network is a group of veterans and proven business leaders who invest in and support start-up and early-stage, high-growth veteran businesses. We are actively seeking great startups to fund, where we can provide more than just money.The Vet-Biz Network brings Angel investors and Military Veteran Entrepreneurs (MVE’s), together in an environment that celebrates innovation, creativity and rewards strategic risk-taking, and promotes performance. Our passion is innovation, job creation, and help those that have given so much for our freedom, so we bring Angel investors and Veteran entrepreneurs together within a structure that mitigates risk, amplifies upside potential and provides startup and early- stage funding.Convenient Hotels:FairField Inn and Suites, 3150 Ronald Regan Blvd. Cumming Ga. 30041678-208-2626
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