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After Action Report Episode 2: September 9th 2011


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Nov. 30, 3:30PM Live Webcast from Government Video Expo 2011



Using a hybrid live video conferencing and broadcast/webcast format, "After Action Report" creates a real-time televised collaboration among troops in the field, military and policy experts and interested observers. Mr. Butts describes the system as "a level of television collaboration that hasn't been achieved before," and he will discuss the benefits of using this technology in government and commercial broadcasts and webcasts.

Dennis Butts, Founder, Chairman & CEO , Military Comm Networks, Inc.

Mr. Butts has more than 40 plus years of business experience in voice/data communications, finance, sales and marketing, business development and strategic alliance relations. He has been instrumental in the development of more than 50 successful business ventures for clients and has been involved in three IPO and numerous PPM offerings.

Mr. Butts is the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Military Comm Networks, Inc. Military Comm Networks provide many programs including Wounded Hero, In-Harms Way and Gold Star Families. Military Comm Networks offer programing on Education and Medical featuring content from leading associations and subject matter experts. Military Comm Networks Video 2 Video platform allows troops, veterans and their families to connect with up to 50 people with full interactive video to video (everyone see and talks to everyone) anytime from anywhere. MCN was developed to fully support the past, current and future veterans.

Mr. Butts is also the Developer and Co-Host of the Television Show After Action Report a thirteen episode series where the major topics that affect the troops, veterans and their families are discussed by leading subject matter experts. After Action Report is air on TV World Wide and on syndication to cable in 2012.


At the Government Video Expo 2011





Part 4: Home Care


Part 3: Traumatic Brain Injury


Part 2: Addiction (Aired September 14th)


Part 1: Introduction to MCN and the After Action Report (Aired August 26th)


About After Action Report

After Action Report is a 13 week Internet TV live interactive webcast series that addresses the most current issues and topics relevant to active duty troops, veterans and their families. The series is a joint venture collaboration between Military Comm Networks ( and the Internet TV Channel dedicated to troops and veterans worldwide, USVETS TV (www.USVets.TV), on the TV Worldwide network (

The programs use an innovative hybrid web conference and webcast format where the troops themselves participate via multi-party video conferencing worldwide to interact with After Action Report experts and panelists live on stage while a webcast audience of thousands tunes in to view and email questions and comments. The content presented is not only informative for the viewer and conference participants but support is also provided for those who are seeking assistance.


After Action Report Program Schedule

1.   Introduction to MCN and the After Action Report 8/26/11

2.   Addiction   9/9/11  Dr. Dan Budenz

3.  Traumatic Brain Injury   9/2/11 canceled due to hurricane Irene, rescheduled TBI for 9/30/11 Friday

4.  Home Care  10/14/11 Michael Reda president/owner Aurora Home Care Friday

5.  Navigation of the military benefit system/disability ratings/ Wells Fargo finances   10/28/11 Jeffrey LeClair Friday

6.  Education-new MOS    11/9/11 Human Resources Wednesday

7.  Education-internet college courses/education reintegration challenges 11/23/11 Dr. Elizabeth Kiernan

8.  PTSD   12/6/11 Jessica Goodell invited Tuesday

9.  Suicide   12/21/11 Wednesday

10. Honoring medical staff of war.  01/06/12 Friday

11. Wounded Hero’s and their recovery success 01/20/12 Friday

12. Veteran Military leadership and success.  02/03/12 Friday

13. TBD    2/17/12   Friday





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Webcast Event Contact
Pat Cleveland
TV Inc.
[email protected]
(703) 961-9250 Ext. 235