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USVets.TV interviews Rick Starrs, CEO of the National Association of Veterans Research and Education Foundations (NAVREF)

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In this special presentation, USVets.TV interviews Rick Starrs, CEO of the National Association of Veterans Research and Education Foundations (NAVREF), on some of the important work that NAVREF does and the breakthroughs in Veterans medical research NAVREF has facilitated.
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USVets.TV interviews Rick Starrs, CEO of the National Association of Veterans Research and Education Foundations (NAVREF)
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CBS Evening News: Sisters raise $10 million in 10 years for military families
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EIC TV features Melora Hardin, Mark Valley and Kate Linder in Video Newscast Supporting Veterans Efforts
March 19th, 2014
Entertainment Industry Council’s (EIC) Network, (www.EICNetwork.TV) and EIC TV’s Health & Wellness Channel features TJ Fontana, a reservist with passion for reporting on issues affecting fellow service members. In this episode, TJ examines the realities of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and technological advancements in virtual reality and exposure therapies that are fostering successful recovery. We also take a journey to Los Angeles where actors Mark Valley, Kate Linder and Melora Hardin participate in the Habitat for Humanity "We Build" for a new Veteran housing development. Viewers will be treated to a sneak peek at Melora's USO-style performance and be informed about additional resources for writing and reporting about Veteran issues in the EIC TV Screening Room.
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"Ed Freeman"

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"Rise Up"

Dale Dye PSA for building the Education Center at the Wall.

"Touch The Wall"

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The Wall That Heals visits Chicago, Illinois for a special ceremony highlighting the Call for Photos.
November 2, 2011
Ceremonies at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Chicago, Illinois, where the names of 3,000 local heroes are engraved, were part of a nationwide tour in the Call for Photos campaign of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and the History Channel.
The Wall that Heals visits Atlanta
October 25, 2011
In Atlanta, Georgia, the History Channel, in cooperation with VVMF, continued their nationwide campaign to collect a photograph for each of the 58,272 names memorialized on The Wall in Washington, D.C.
The Wall That Heals visits Philadelphia
October 13, 2011
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, in partnership with the History Channel visited Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for a ceremony in Independence Park that highlighted the Call for Photos nationwide campaign to collect photos to give faces to the names of service members engraved on the Wall at the Vietnam Memorial in the nation’s capital.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Dinner
October 11,2011
Fox and Friends Features VVMF Founder Jan Scruggs in interview as The Wall That Heals arrives at Times Square in New York City for the October 11 announcement of the History Channel partnership with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund to Support National Call for photos
Wall That Heals in Times Square for History Channel Call for Photos.
October 11,2011
Crews worked through the night in New York City’s Times Square to erect the Wall the Heals, a half size travelling replica of the Wall at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC. Ceremonies then marked this stop on the nationwide tour in the Call for Photos campaign by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and the History Channel. The Photos of service members whose names are engraved on the Wall in the nation’s capital will find a home in the Education Center to be constructed at the Vietnam Memorial.
San Antonio supports the Education Center.
Septmeber, 23, 2011
A celebrity Texas Hold-Em Poker Tournament at the AT&T Center in San Antonio raised both awareness and funds for construction of the Education Center at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in the nation’s capital. Individuals who did not return from the Vietnam War were honored in ceremonies prior to the tournament.
VVMF In Memory Day 2011.
April 18, 2011
Welcome to USVets.TV
The Education Center at the Wall.
Gen. Barry McCaffery on the Education Center
Veterans Day Tribute
This music video salute to American troops features footage of combat and relief activities from World War I to Afghanistan and Iraq, set to music.
Dean Kamen previews a new prosthetic arm
Dean Kaman, inventor of the Segway, previews the revolutionary prosthetic arm he is developing by request of the US Department of Defense.
Veterans Disability Compensation testimony by Secretary
Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki testified before the US Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs on September 23, 2010 about his decision to expand Agent Orange disability benefits.
News: Horse Riding Helps Wounded War Veterans
Discovery News reports on Walter Reed Medical Center Horse Therapy Program that helps recent amputees recover from their injuries.
Homeless Veterans: Stand Down
The Veterans Administration estimates a 20% unemployment rate among recent veterans and 9,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans on the streets. Scott Pelley of CBS 60 Minutes reports on an annual 3 day stand down, or camp, in San Diego where homeless veterans can find hope and services. An array of tents provided services such medical and dental treatment, rehab, and job placement as well as food, clothing, haircuts, and hot showers. The Veterans Administration estimates a 20% unemployment rate among recent veterans and 9,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans on the streets.
What is Veteran's Day
This video gives the history of Veterans Day and its beginning as Armistice Day following the end of World War I and tells the significance of the moment of silence at the eleventh day, eleventh hour, eleventh month.
World War II Veterans Battle Continues On.
Leon Cooper, a veteran of the World War II Battle of Tarawa leads the fight to bring home the remains of fallen troops that were not recovered. CBS News.
Bob Dole's Work With War Veterans (9 min) ABC News
A February 2010 ABC News report features interviews with Wounded Warriors Commission co-chairs Bob Dole and Donna Shalala, about recommendations for improving long term care and outpatient care for veterans.
Veteran's Day with General Colin Powell
Harry Smith, of CBS's Early Show interviews General Colin Powell about the service and sacrifices of America's military forces.
Treating Female Veterans of War
Darrah Westrup, Ph.D., a recognized authority on the treatment of PTSD and other trauma-related problems discusses the mental health needs of women who have served in the military, with emphasis on the emergent needs of OIF/OEF women. This lecture explores the particular needs of military women and the most effective clinical treatments for them.
The Colbert Report – interview on veterans benefits
Interview with Paul Rieckhoff, Executive Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Association, discusses the challenges today's vets face and his organization's efforts to ensure veterans get their benefits.
World War II Remembered Veterans Panel
On the 65th anniversary of D-Day in 2009 a panel of veterans tell their stories about World War II.
Planes take veterans back in time
CNN's Mark Biello tells the story of a pilot who uses his World War II biplanes to get veterans to tell their stories.
Meeting the Physical and Mental Health Needs of Veterans Returning From Iraq and Afghanistan – University of California Television
Using the most current data made available, Dr. Karen Seal, of UCSF's Departments of Medicine and Psychiatry, discusses the current issues and trends surrounding mental disorders in returning combat veterans as well as the utilization and treatment methods offered by the VA Health System.
PBS Independent Lens: Red White Black and Blue
This PBS documentary tells the story of the World War II Japanese occupation of the Alaskan island of Attu and the subsequent battle by American soldiers to retake the island. The story is told with historic footage and the memories of two veterans who revisit the island on the 60th anniversary of the American landing on Attu.
Improving Health Care for Veterans, May 5, 2010
President Obama signs the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act that improves health care services for veterans and provides assistance and training to those who provide care to wounded warriors. The President outlines the new benefits.
Civil war veteran soldier footage, captured between 1913 and 1938
Elderly Civil War veterans from both sides meet in a camp in Gettysburg in 1913 on 50th anniversary. Story is told with 1913 film and photos.
Veterans Green Jobs: New Orleans, Feb 3, 2009
Job training program trains veterans in green jobs and provides dual training in disaster response. More information, how to help, and program applications available at
Veterans Green Jobs, Nov. 25, 2009
President Obama has affirmed his commitment to support clean energy initiatives -- like wind and solar power with the goal of reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil. And a non-profit group in Denver is working with VA to train Americas Veterans for jobs in the emerging Green Collar industry. Local training includes forestry and home energy auditing. More information available at
History of the Holidays: History of Veterans Day, History Channel
A look at the history of the holiday honoring those who fought for America, both living and dead.
PTSD and Veterans: Beyond the Yellow Ribbons
This video explains the "natural reactions to unnatural events" that cause PTSD. Made for combat veterans, their family and friends and community leaders.
Groundbreaking for American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial, Nov. 10, 2010
Hundreds of disabled veterans and federal officials attended a groundbreaking ceremony in Washington, D.C., for the first permanent memorial dedicated to America's disabled veterans Nov. 10, 2010. More information on the AMERICAN VETERANS DISABLED FOR LIFE MEMORIAL can be found at
Web Extra: Remembering the Korean War
Korean War veterans share memories of their service.
Disabled Veterans Associations SCAM CHARITY
Take 5 Veterans Preference Programs
Information about Kentucky state's requirement for veteran's preference in employment.